CSS Practice

This is a work in progress.

I am learning the things.

This is a blockquote for testing.

This website is about HTML and CSS.

So I asked Bob about quotations on the Web and he said I know as much about quotations as I do about pigeon fancying. Luckily, I found HTML Dog and it said:

blockquote and q are used for quotations. blockquote is generally used for standalone often multi-line quotations whereas q is used for shorter, in-line quotations.

According to the Bible, after six days God said screw this for a lark, I'm having a nap.

If you add the line variable = true; to the code codename subroutine and then type keyboard input into the console, the code will give the sample output sample output.

A table

C1 heading C2 heading C3 heading
Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2, also spanning Row 2, cell 2 and 3
Row 3, cell 3
Row 4, cell 1 Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3